【歌词】3 Shots / 歌手:失踪人口(Gone Baby Gone)

coldrain - Adrenaline




My heart keeps racing

Now I"m out of breath and suffocating...

I"m suffocating

But ever since you caught my eye

I feel like air is so out of date

And I can"t stop this blood from boiling

Take me faster 3,2,1 let"s go

Adrenaline in my veins I feel no pain

Adrenaline in my head she takes me to

A better place I"ve never been

We"re chasing red bulls after taking shots its 3:00AM...

its 3:00AM

I hope there"s someone sane in this joint

I can"t tell if I"m up or down

And I can"t stop this endless madness

Take me faster 3,2,1 let"s go

Adrenaline in my veins I feel no pain

Adrenaline in my head she takes me to

A better place I"ve never been

Oh she takes me high, she takes me high

Oh and I can"t come down, I can"t come down anymore

Adrenaline in my v


 iOS 8.2轻松搞定 太极越狱...

近日,国内越狱团队太极放出了 iOS 8.1.1 的越狱工具,并针对本次越狱放出了一则声明,其中有一点表示,太极越狱工具已经支持 iOS 8.2,只不过由于 i...(展开)



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