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► 领导者说 : ★有效管理者最重视的是让自己上级的长处发挥出最大成效。

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分享 | 领导者养成笔记「ID:GoToLead 」

有效管理者最重视的是让自己上级的长处发挥出最大成效 。

无论是在企业,还是在政府或者其他机构,我还没见过谁不是这样说的:“管理下级我没什么大问题,但上级我怎么管理啊?”实际上这非常简单,但只有那些有效管理者才明白这一点。 诀窍就在于让上级的长处富有成效 。

人们对此应有基本审慎的态度。 坊间传说,下级可以踏着无能上级倒下的身躯向上走,但事实恰恰相反, 如果上级得不到提拔,下级常无出头之日 。上级如果因为无能或失败遭到解职,接任者也很少是排名紧随其后的年轻人,而通常是“空降兵”,并且是带着又能干又年轻的助手们一起来。相反, 在能让下级取得成功的因素当中,没有什么比得过成功并快速升迁的上级 。

光是审慎对待发挥上级的长处还远远不够。其实, 让上级的长处富有成效是下级自己取得有效性的关键所在 。它能让下级的贡献能够得到上级的采纳和使用,从而使得下级可以取得成就和实现梦想。

Above all, the effective executive tries to make fully productive the strengths of his own superior. 

I have yet to find a manager, whether in business, in government, or in any other institution, who did not say: “I have no great trouble managing my subordinates. But how do I manage my boss?” It is actually remarkably easy—but only effective executives know that. The secret is that effective executives make the strengths of the boss productive.

This should be elementary prudence. Contrary to popular legend, subordinates do not, as a rule, rise to position and prominence over the prostrate bodies of incompetent bosses. If their boss is not promoted, they will tend to be bottled up behind him. And if their boss is relieved for incompetence or failure, the successor is rarely the bright, young man next in line. He usually is brought in from the outside and brings with him his own bright, young men. Conversely, there is nothing quite as conducive to success, as a successful and rapidly promoted superior.

But way beyond prudence, making the strength of the boss productive is a key to the subordinate’s own effectiveness. It enables him to focus his own contributio n in such a way that it finds receptivity upstairs and will be put to use. It enables him to achieve and accomplish the things he himself believes in.

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《领导者管理笔记》读者群开放, 如你致力于提升领导力

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