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【歌词】The Black Lake / 歌手:哈利波特与火焰杯 电影原声带

Aimee Mann - Medicine Wheel

卜超 制作

The day you left and you called me bitch

I called you selfish better pull that switch

Put my son on amphetamines

He came home crying and there’s your proof

Crying bout nothing but a missing tooth

I did the right thing.

You shade the truth almost everyday

Phone calls at night “it’s going to be ok”

Are you saddened baby under the bridge?

Are you saddened baby on Lake Street

Black marker on cardboard

Little drawing of a medicine wheel

Everything that’s good you steal

Everything that’s good you steal

Maybe you’ll wake up in jail alone

And hold the handle of the one pay phone

And do the right thing

Like I once tried but I bent the truth

A five dollar dent for a little lost tooth

There’s a payback in front of me

Because once you wer



倍数与因数练习题(一)一、 填一填1、像0、1、3、4、5、6……这样的数是( ),最小的自然数是( )。请任意写出五个整数:( ),整数有( )个。2、是2的...(展开)


