【歌词】I Wanna Dance To The / 歌手:戴辛尉


I wanna dance to the disco beat...

I want to dance..


I want to I want to I want to dance...

I want to dance to the disco beat

Dance to the disco beat

I wanna dance to the disco beat...

I want to dance I want to dance

I want to I want to I want to dance...

I want to dance to the disco beat

Dance to the disco beat

I want to dance to the disco beat..


 【歌词】Signal. / 歌手...

「MOON SIGNAL」「TVアニメ『おとめ妖怪ざくろ』OPテーマ」作词∶畑亚贵作曲∶虹音歌∶スフィア满ちてゆく 出逢いからさかのぼりそれぞれの悲しみから運命...(展开)