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【歌词】World Painted Blood / 歌手:Slayer[杀手]

The All-American Rejects - Real World

lrc by buchao @ LK歌词组 Rock 分队

@ @

I woke up on this side

I thought it was a dream

At first we learned to walk

Then learned to scream

You can’t understand

When you’re Fed from a TV screen

You can’t see the things that I can see

But I forget that you thank god and pray

Some things just never stay

And we all just slip away

This cant be the real world now

I don’t believe it When I can’t see the truth

Welcome to the real world now

When all our carried in now just to poison you

Am I the only one who thinks it’s tragic?

Cuz I know this cant be the real world now

No oh uh no oh

I look for some hope in every face that has a vacant stare

The shadows come but no one seems to care

The darkness floods every light that promised change

She passed



大家好,这里是【刘一手美食】,关注老刘,每天分享一道好吃又实用的家常菜1、《咸肉蒸鳝筒》是一道中国民间传统家庭美食,由咸肉和鳝筒烹饪而成。2、 今天老刘就来分享...(展开)



家乡的味道文/李巧艺我的家乡一一湖南省城步苗族自治县,是个少数民族聚集的地方。那里除了山清水秀的自然环境外,饮食文化别具一格,有着浓郁的少数民族特色。一、油 茶...(展开)