【歌词】wedding march part / 歌手:Qindivi starring

This is the day, I am on the way

This day a story start again

stars are shining around us

I take it for a ride

Now in my heart

I have a dream

XXX(爱伊斯坦?) goes to you for the life time

Sometimes,yes, it isn t know

with how to reaction when I am lost

But every time I listen to hear what you don’t say

Sometimes you are far away when you’re standing next to me

And every time I m going to get you back again

Wish to be your shinning star

Tell me again you are by the side

Merry Christin don t doubt

and nothing can

This is the day, I am on the way

This day a story start again

stars are shining around us

I take it for a ride

Now in my heart

I have a dream

XXX(爱伊斯坦?) goes to you for the life time

Wish to be your shinning star

Tell me again you are by the side

I will leave a stay to make your dream to come true

This is the day, I feel the way



猪蹄炖牛膝的制作方法如下:材料:猪蹄1只,牛膝15 克,大番茄1个,盐1小匙。做法:1.猪蹄剁成块,放入沸水氽烫,捞起冲净。2.番茄洗净,在表成轻划数刀,放入沸...(展开)


