聚热点 juredian

【歌词】black forest / 歌手:Hypocrisy[伪善]

Secret And Whisper - Tiny Sparkle

@ 活在當下 制作

They will search for us all through the night.

We will hide from them our sacred light of green and gold.

Protecting our tiny sparkle (of green and gold)

from hungry timber wolves.

Don"t make me nervous.

The forest energy has deeper meaning.

They"re tearing you away from me.

To help remove a spell you will need some help from green and gold.

Protecting our tiny sparkle of (green and gold) from timber wolves.

Don"t make me nervous.

The forest energy has deeper meaning.

Black smolder in our hearts.

We"re starting to change from light to dark.

Release all sad memories.

(We know) All the world is diamonds.

Take a look beneath.



排骨一直炖着吃,年夜饭,来个不一样的~ 一共三步,省事有好吃~By 雪大大美味生活用料排骨 500克生抽 3勺蚝油 1勺料酒 1勺老抽 1勺盐鸡精 适量蒜 1头...(展开)


