聚热点 juredian

【歌词】still raining,still dreaming / 歌手:Jimi Hendrix[杰米 亨得里克

Lee DeWyze - Earth Stood Still

@ 制作

we fell asleep under the stars

and you woke up in my arms

and the rain and the rain and the rain

was falling down trickled off our finger tips, oh oh

felt like the earth stood still when i kissed your lips

i get chills chills chills just thinking about this

you were melting into me

and i was melting into you

it was the kind of moment that only time could kill

it was the perfect day, the day the earth stood still

the day the earth stood still

another night goes by

without you by my side

oh and i dream and i dream and i dream

that we"re back, that were back to where we were

take me back to hwere we were

felt like the earth stood still when i kissed your lips

i get chills chils chills just thinking about this

you were melting into me

and i was melting into


 【歌词】会有天使替我爱你 - 林...

会有天使替我爱你 词:林浩威 曲:林浩威如果这一刻起,我消失在你的怀里你可不可以,学会照顾自己如果从下一秒,我无法将你再拥抱你可不可以,习惯下个拥抱也许你会怪我...(展开)



By 晓曦厨娘用料大闸蟹 几只生抽 1勺姜片 5片蒜末 1茶匙做法步骤1、超市选购大闸蟹2、清洗干净3、盘子里垫姜片垫姜片 放上大闸蟹 蟹上浇上料酒4、大火蒸2...(展开)