聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Patterns / 歌手:Merriment

Imogen Heap - Between Sheets

LRC: 朱古力 制作

You and me between the sheets

It just doesn"t get better than this

The many windswept yellow stickies of my mind

Are the molten emotional front line

I couldn"t care less

I"m transfixed in this absolute bliss

Sweet sleepless, tumbling night

Oh, and the morning on the your skin

and loved up light

Tracing patterns in the maze of your back

Softly, softly the goose bumps like that

And then a kiss…

Maybe another,

and another one


 【歌词】心系天下 / 歌手:陈观...

歌手:陈观成 《心系天下》作词:吴曼乔作曲:陈观成演唱:陈观成发行:深圳明毅文化一袭白素衣神采奕奕你穿梭在生死之间不畏惧战役势如破竹不辱使命照亮人间点燃自己寒风...(展开)


