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【歌词】Still Be With Me / 歌手:Dondria

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〓晨曦之光 制作

Kelly Clarkson - Be Still

18365918Far, away from it all

You and me with no one else around

A brand new start

Is all we need, it"s all we need

to mend these hearts

Back to the beginning

Be still

Let it go

Before we lost hope

When we still touched

and love wasn"t so hard

Be still

I already know

Foolish one with the smile

You don"t have to be brave

Every time we fall down

But we"re falling from grace

I"ll gladly climb your walls

if you"ll meet me halfway

Slow, slow it down

Why do we run, we"re

missing so much babe

Just lay in my arms for a while

Be still

We should"ve known

Foolish one with the smile

You don"t have to be brave

I"ll gladly climb your walls

If you"ll meet me halfway

Every time we fall down



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