【歌词】Promise Me - Beverly Craven / 歌手:争分夺秒 电视原声带

You light up another cigarette.

And I pour the wine

it’s four O’clock. In the morning And it’s starting.To get light

Now I’m right here. Where I want to be losing track of time.

But I wish that was still last night.

You look like you’re in another world.

But I can read your mind.

How can you be so far away.

Lying by my side

when I go away. I’ll miss you

And I will be.Thinking of you

Every night and day.

Just promise me you’ll wait for me.

Cause I’ll be saving all my love for you.

And I will be






【精华】家乡的春节作文700字4篇家乡的春节作文700字 篇1我的老家在饶平。这里,人们过春节的习俗可跟《北京的春节》有不一样的地方呢。老家的腊月,人们不用熬腊...(展开)