聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Hostages / 歌手:防火墙

The Mars Volta - Teflon

LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang

@ @

Just don"t know the layman"s terms

to call the mess you bleed

Crawls beneath the surface

sought blood to a family tree

The date"s been changed with each new phase

I"m anxious bouts of nervous

What am I without the bruises?

These switches won"t come on

What do I do to lose it?

Beneath this distress call

Let the wheels burn, let the wheels burn

Stack the tires to the neck with a body inside

Let the wheels burn, let the wheels burn

Stack the tires to the neck with a body inside

Frames of infrared

keep scrolling into focus

Scarab claimed the busy signal

with the habits that you noticed

The date"s been changed

with each new phase

I"m anxious bouts of nervous

What am I without the bruises?

These switches won"


 【歌词】甩蔥歌 / 歌手:日韩其...

歌词千寻甩词歌 - 屈慧词:韩舒羽曲:初音甩葱歌师傅啊徒弟我稀饭你你的文笔很叼很犀利让人纠结蛋疼的羊羔体很黄很雷很囧也很给力我在花果山上有鸭梨七十二变被我全忘记...(展开)


