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【歌词】DJ29 / 歌手:手机铃声

Ryan Adams - Strawberry Wine


Last night in the street collapsed on itself

In fact, it broke right in two

And I fell in

The strawberry vines

Into a pool of strawberry wine

Strawberry wine and clouds

Burning in the desert, surrounded in flowers

But the stems broke the armor

And the morning comes

Until its all just the same things again

Oh god,

Don"t spend too much time on the other side

Let the daylight in,

Before you get old and you cant break out of it

My old friend,

Cause its getting winter, and if you want any flowers

You gotta get your seeds in to the ground

And I worry about you, why? because you want me to

Can you still have any famous last words

If you"re somebody nobody knows,

I don"t know

Somebody go and






2020年3月,西二旗中关村软件园,互联网公司大楼在晚上依然灯火通明。新京报记者 郑新洽 摄近日,人社部和最高法联合发布超时加班劳动人事争议典型案例,为企业划红...(展开)