聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Into Oblivion / 歌手:Mork Gryning

Funeral For A Friend - Into Oblivion (Reunion)


The days I"ve felt alone.

And the sea, it brings me back again.

So that I can see my wife.

And I can see my child.

Home, I"m home, it never changes,

Same old faces, same old places.

I stared into oblivion and found my own.

I stared into oblivion, into oblivion.

I finally need the home,

The truth never known.

Find in us the faith.

The faith to bring you home.

I stared into oblivion and found my own.

I stared into oblivion and found my own.

I stared into oblivion and found my own reflection there.

(reflection there)

Home. Now that I"m coming home,

Will you be the same as when I saw you last?

Tell me how much time has passed?

I stared into oblivion (and found my own).

I stared into oblivion (and found my own).

I stared into oblivion





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