聚热点 juredian


过去的日子,已经过去;现在的日子,即将过去,未来的日子,必将到来。当凡人根本改变刷新了屏,过往历史记录从那一刻起,真正无情地被掀翻到新页,旧历史定格在勇闯者身上,最具有说服力不争的事实,意义在于勇闯者改变历史。The days of the past have passed. Now today, it is nearly being the past, The days of the future will be coming certainly. When the mortals fundamentally change the screen, The past of history has been marked on the old record from that moment. Really ruthlessly turned over a new page. The old history was freeze-framed in whoever, This is the most persuasive and undisputable fact,

The significance lies in the person who change of history.

搜索建议:勇闯者改变历史  勇闯者改变历史词条  

