【歌词】Question Existing / 歌手:Rihanna

Rihanna - Question Existing




take off my shirt loosen the buttons

and undo my skirt

stare at myself in the mirror

pick me apart piece by piece.

sorrow decrease

pressure release

i put in work

did more than called upon, more than deserved

when it was over, did i wind up hurt? (yes)

but it taught me before a decision

ask this question first

who am i living for?

ooh yeah

is this my limit?

can i endure some more

Chances i"m giving.

Question existing

who am i living for? ooohh

is this my limit?

cant i endure some more

Chances I"m giving.

Question existing.

take off my cool show themm that under here

im just like you

do the mistakes i make make me a fool

or a human with flaws

admit that im lost

Round of applause

Take the abuse

Sometimes it feels like they want me to



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