【歌词】黑色星期五 the new Diana / 歌手:无

I was born a blonde, I ve always been a princess 我生来金发碧眼,犹如公主一般

A queen of hearts, now a mother 曾经的女王现在的母亲

where is the replacement for the world s front cover? 谁将是下一个世界瞩目的"女王"

From one English Rose to another 将是新的英国玫瑰

I want to be the new Diana 我想成为新的戴安那

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines 在游艇上阅览时尚杂志

I want to be the new Diana 想成为新的戴安那

Visiting the shore occasionally 时常光临海滩

Shimmering blue ocean, diving in at starboard 微光粼粼的海水,潜水从右舷起发

Perfection for a second away from the hoard 从红尘的绝佳逃离

Deep-sea fishermen toil in the sunset 深海渔夫于烈日下工作

Dragging in a mermaid caught in the fishing-nets 奋力的从海里捞出被鱼网捕获的美人鱼

I want to be the new Diana (重复第二段)

OK!, Hello)

Lying on a yacht reading photo-magazines

I want to be the new Diana

OK!, Hello)

Visiting the shore occasionally

Miss South Of England, Miss United Kingdom 南部英国的女王, 大英帝国的小姐

The h


