【歌词】Eternity appears / 歌手:Vomitory

Killah Priest&Victorious - Jeshurun

活在当下 制作

We will shine in his presence

The truthful - when we find all his blessings

The power - we shall receive

Yahwu - eternity

The judgment - is coming swiftly

The kingdom - the golden city

That mission - fire and brimstone

Freedom - no more hate "cause our skin tone

What if you found out everything you"ve been told was a lie

And the only way to find out the truth was to go inside yourself

And no one to provide you with help

Would you reach for that nine in your belt?

Or go get the rifle from you shelf

Put the barrel to your mouth and blow your own brains out

Or do you want a second to figure this whole thing out?

What if I told you nothing is really what it appears to be

You wouldn"t believe me

Cause you a program from reality

Little fluffy bears, little cute lions

Thanksgiving Da


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