【歌词】Shadow Forest / 歌手:Nox Arcana

Fleet Foxes - Tiger Mountain Peasant Song

卜超 制作

Wanderers this morning came by

Where did they go

Graceful in the morning light

To banner fair

To follow you softly

In the cold mountain air

Through the forest

Down to your grave

Where the birds wait

And the tall grasses wave

They do not

know you anymore

Dear shadow alive and well

How can the body die

You tell me everything

Anything true

In the town one morning I went

Staggering through premonitions of my death

I don"t see anybody that dear to me

Dear shadow alive and well

How can the body die

You tell me everything

Anything true


I don"t know what I have done

I"m turning myself to a demon

I don"t know what I have done

I"m turning myself to a demon


 行走丨 黄山松

游览千奇百怪的黄山景,攀登数万级的石阶路,随时随处都能见到奇特的黄山松。可以说,黄山松与我形影不离,形影相依。黄山松自始至终陪伴着我同登攀。这是一种缘份。 黄山...(展开)





