聚热点 juredian

【歌词】dirty harry / 歌手:Gorillaz

I need a gun to keep myself from harm

The poor people are burning in the sun

But they ain t got a chance

They ain t got a chance

I need a gun

Cos all I do is dance

Cos all I do is danceI need a gun to keep myself from harm

The poor people are burning in the sun

No,they ain t got


 恒拱说 | 知行合一 何其之难

“此心光明,亦复何言”——阳明先生遗言。 每次读关于阳明先生的书,都会有这一段,每次都会有不同的感受:开始觉得很酷,圣人就是不一般,活着的时候精彩万分,离世的时...(展开)