聚热点 juredian

百密一疏 功亏一篑

百密一疏,功亏一篑。Flaw in the plan to work not completed.不盲从,不迷茫,不回避,不妥协,既是一道多选题,也是一道单选题,符合事实,这是有唯一正确答案的,而现实中很多凡人一生在关键时刻,总是会做错很多的憋屈迁就的选择,往往表象误导并为之付出惨痛代价。Be note that don"t blind, confused, avoided, and compromising. It is not only a multi - topic, but also a single choice . Be match the fact, this is the only right answer to the truth. In reality, many mortal are at a critical moment in their lives time, Always make a lot of wrong choices, It is often misleading and pay for painful ending .

搜索建议:百密一疏 功亏一篑