聚热点 juredian







没办法,他是个神秘的人。网上没有他的资料。不过我知道他翻译的书籍有《告知》《瓦尔登湖》《吉檀伽利》《沙与沫》《草叶集》等,都是一些哲理性的散文或诗歌,文字优美的作品。 ---喜欢请赞,o(∩_∩)o谢谢。如有不足请多指教了。


1. 林志豪,1971年3月20日出生,主持人、演员。曾在“亚洲先生”的比赛中获得了“微笑先生”的美称,因为他总爱露出一个孩子般地笑容。这种亲和力让他在签约后赢得了不少主持各类节目、活动的机会。在与亚视签约后,林志豪在内地、香港主持过不少综艺节目。此外还有同名影星林志豪。代表作品《远去的飞鹰》、《香港姊妹》、《新包青天·情牵阴阳界》等。 1. Lin Zhihao, born in March 20, 1971, host, actor. In "Mr. Asia" won the "smile," the laudatory name, because he always reveal a childlike smile. This affinity allows him to win a lot of opportunities after the signing of various programs, activities. With the ATV after the signing, Lin Zhihao hosted many variety shows in mainland China and Hongkong. In addition to the same name star Lin Zhihao. The representative works "away", "Hongkong Eagle" sisters "," new BaoQingTian, love Yin and Yang "etc.. 2. 2005年7月,林志豪凭着自己标志性的微笑在 亚洲电视举办的“亚洲先生”评选中夺得了季军奖座[6] ,“意外”进入了娱乐圈。在此之前,林志豪只有过相关的短期模特从业经历。对于自己当初的选择,林志豪说纯粹是朋友的建议和家人的支持:“他们都觉得,反正你也当过模特,这样一个好机会,去试一试,多见见世面,总是有好处的。”于是,在香港的朋友帮林志豪报了名,这一路竟就这么幸运地走了过来。虽然林志豪说这一切还亏得运气好,但初到香港,他还是经历了不少困难的:“首先是语言不通,虽然我以前在广州学模特时有一点点语言基础,但根本就不够。到了台上,和评委以及主持人对话时,感觉简直就是鸡同鸭讲,因为我的粤语太差了!其次,当时的身材对于比赛的标准而言还是太胖了一些,所以比赛开始后得自己不停地锻炼,每天跑步,做器械训练,最后总算达标。其实一开始参赛根本没想到会拿奖或是进演艺圈,只想着不给厦门人丢脸就不错了。” 2. In July 2005, Lin Zhihao with his trademark smile held in Asian Television "Mr. Asia" award won the runner up trophy [6], "accident" entered the entertainment circle. Prior to this, Lin Zhihao only had related to the short term models experience. For his choice, Lin Zhihao said is purely the advice of friends and family support: "they think, anyway you do as a model, such a good chance, try to see the white, is always good." So, in Hongkong, a friend to help Lin Zhihao reported the name, this way actually so lucky to come over. Although Lin Zhihao said all this also thanks to good luck, but arrived in Hongkong, he experienced a lot of difficulties: the first is the language barrier, although I used to learn models in Guangzhou have a little bit of the language foundation, but simply not enough. On the platform, and the judges and host dialogue, the feeling is simply because I speak the same language, Cantonese is too poor! Secondly, the size of the standard for the game is still too fat, so after the start of the game to keep their own exercise, running every day, doing equipment training, and finally managed to reach the standard. In fact, the beginning of the competition did not expect to win the award or into the entertainment business, just do not want to lose face in Xiamen on the good." 3. 林峰是我的榜样 3. Raymond Lam is my role model. 4. 不过他还是谦虚地表示经验不足,“刚才主持的时候我腿都在抖呢!”林志豪表示,这些锻炼人的演出活动是每个新人必经的阶段,台里给他安排了不少工作,为的就是能给他们这些新人更多全面发展的机会。谈到演戏,大家便聊到了他的另一位业内同乡林峰。林志豪说,他是到了香港才知道友台的林峰也是厦门人,后来他便很关注这位老乡,“他在香港很受欢迎,而且事业也发展得很好。有机会真想和他联系一下。我会以他为榜样。” 4. But he was modest to say that the lack of experience, just presided over when my legs are shaking it!" Lin Zhihao said that the exercise of these people"s performance is a necessary stage, the stage to give him a lot of work, in order to give them the opportunity to more comprehensive development of these people. On the show, we will talk to him another industry association Raymond Lam. Lin Zhihao said he was in Hongkong to know the friends of Taiwan"s Raymond Lam is also the Xiamen people, and later he was very concerned about the fellow, he was very popular in Hongkong, but also the development of a good career. I really want to have a chance to get in touch with him. I"ll take him as an example." 参考资料:https://baike.baidu.com/







科学家让新疆绵羊尾巴变短了 基因编辑短尾细毛羊新种质首获成功同为细毛羊,身后的尾巴却一长一短,这似乎是眼前两只羊在外表上的唯一不同。不过,其中却大有“讲究”。作...(展开)