【歌词】A Thousand Kisses Deep 千吻之深 / 歌手:Leonard Cohen

The ponies run, the girls are young,

The odds are there to beat.

You win a while, and then it s done

Your little winning streak.

And summoned now to deal

With your invincible defeat,

You live your life as if it s real,

A thousand kisses deep.

I m turning tricks, i m getting fixed,

I m back on boogie street.

You lose your grip, and then you slip

Into the masterpiece.

And maybe i had miles to drive,

And promises to keep:

You ditch it all to stay alive,

A thousand kisses deep.


And sometimes when the night is slow,

The wretched and the meek,

We gather up our hearts and go,

A thousand kisses deep.

Confined to sex, we pressed against

The limits of the sea:

I saw there were no oceans left

For scavengers like me.

I made it to the forward deck.

I blessed our remnant fleet

And then consented to be wrecked,

A thousan



彩虹桥“滴滴答答!滴滴答答!……”望着窗外的天气,让我的心情跌入阴深的谷底。 当我我再次望出窗时,已是雨过天晴,天空出现一道五彩缤纷彩虹,我欣喜若狂的叫大家出来...(展开)


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