【歌词】TOO MUCH / 歌手:Elvis Presley

All Time Low - Too Much

@ 活在當下 制作

I admit, I miss seeing your face, babe

(Seeing your face, babe)

Being alone is starting to take its toll (toll)

I"m cold and it"s getting old (getting old)

I admit (I admit)

I should"ve made some changes (Changes)

We were so smothered in love

We didn"t have a chance to come up for air (For air)

What a waste

Where did the time go?

Where did our minds go?

I don"t know

What"s this place?

Where did our home go?

We won"t know

I don"t know

Too much of anything is too much

Too much of love can be too much

We had too much time

Too much us

So we fought like tomorrow was promised

Too much, too much, too much, too much

Too much, too much, too much,

M-m-m-much too much

I admit, I"m still watching the days go by

(Watching the days go by)



看完《黑猫警长》这部电影之后,我感到黑猫警长给我们带来了正义、和平的世界,带来了安详的生活。  我们要像黑猫警长那样,为了正义,为了让大家过上更好的生活,努力赶...(展开)



秦朔|人文财经观察家一段时间以来 ,尽管中央始终坚持两个毫不动摇和“三个没有变” (见文末注1) ,要求充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用,...(展开)