【歌词】Real Love (Acoustic) / 歌手:John Lennon

John Lennon - Real Love(Acoustic)

All the little boys and girls

Living in this crazy world

All they really needed from you

Is, maybe, some love

All the little girls and boys

Playing with their little toys

All they really needed from you

Is, maybe, some love

Why must we be alone?

Why must we be alone?

Yes, it"s real

Well it"s real life

I don"t expect you to understand

The kingdom of Heaven is in your hands

I don"t expect you to wake from the dream

Too late for crying, now, that it seems

All their little plans and schemes

Ain"t nothing but a bunch of dreams

All you really needed to do

Is, maybe, some love

Why must we be alone?

Why must we be alone?

It"s real life

Yes, it"s real life

All the little boys and girls

Living in this crazy world

All they really needed from yo



作者:孜宜麻麻用料扇贝肉 10粒山鸡蛋 6个葱 一小段盐 适量矿泉水 50毫升做法步骤1、扇贝肉洗净备用2、6个山鸡蛋3、鸡蛋打入盘中,葱切片加鸡蛋里。4、加盐...(展开)