聚热点 juredian

【歌词】God Help Them / 歌手:The Lightning Seeds

Hallelujah, hallelujah,

God bless the child who suffers

God bless the young without mothers

This child is homeless,

That child"s on crack

One plays with a gun,

While the other takes a bullet in his back

This boy"s a beggar,

That girl sells her soul

They both work the same street,

The same hell hole

Let every man help his brother

Some are born addicted and some are just thrown away

Some have daddies who make them play games they don"t want to play

But with hope and faith

We must understand

All God"s children need is love

And us to hold their little hands

This boy is hungry, he ain"t got enought to eat

That girl"s cold and she ain"t got no shoes on her feet

When a child"s spirit"s broken

And feels all hope is gone

God help them find the strengt



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