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考研英语词汇复习( 3 ) 动词 obtain 、 secure 、 acquire 、 gain 、 reap 和 derive



obtain 比动词get正式,多指需通过较大努力后才能获得。

1) We wish to obtain first-hand information about the case which we are going to look into.


2) In order to obtain larger market share, we have to reduce the price of the products. ( 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们必须降低这些产品的价格。)

secure 指较有把握获得某事或某物,可接双宾语。

1) To succeed in that business, it is imperative to secure a good location in the downtown area.


2) Can you secure me two good seats for the concerts?


acquire 通过不断努力逐步获得智力、知识、技术、能力等,有时也可以通过努力获得某物。

1) It is sometimes possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a large vocabulary even without the help of a teacher.


2) The knowledge we have acquired from the textbooks may not be geared to the needs of the practical work.


gain 常接抽象名词作其宾语,可接双宾语,相当于win、earn的用法。

1) I am new in the job but I am already gaining some experience.


2) His accomplishments have gained / won / earn him a reputation as a brilliant expert in the subject.


reap 本意是“收割”庄稼,可引申出“收获”,即“获得”的意思。

1) During past technological revolutions few of the companies that pioneered the change proved to be good long-term investments, though some reaped the financial rewards. ( 在过去的科技革新中,没有几家率先进行技术革新公司证明是理想的长期投 资者,尽管它们中有一些获得了经济回报。)

2) Cultivating a wide circle of friends may reap a handsome payback in their careers.


derive 也有“获得”的意思,常用结构是:derive …… from (从……获得)。

1) We can derive pleasure, companionship experience and instruction from good reading.


2) She derives great satisfaction from her coin collection.


3) One cannot derives all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates in its performance.


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