【歌词】this old town / 歌手:Tom Petty

Kane - Solitary Madness


In this old town I grew up strong

In this old town I waited

For the right times

And the weight to carry on

In this old town I waitedI waited for her sympathy

How she kept my longing shaded

She kept my body aching for so long

In this old town I waited for so long

She carelessly awaited every night

Carelessly awaiting every time

It"s this old town I hated

But this old town has made me what I am


I"ve got her solitary madness coming in


I"ve got her solitary madness coming in

It"s everything I waited for so long

In this old town I grew up strong

And how her tender touch instructed me

That nothing comes as easy as it goes

This old town has taught me all she knows

O yeah

She carelessly awaits me every night

Carelessly awaiting every time

And this ol



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