【歌词】Living On The Beat / 歌手:DJMAX

Lady GaGa - Super Lover


black pants and designer blue

with my tattoos of "i love you"

i juts put on these dancing shoes

to prove, my love, for you

i"m living it up

secretly he notices, i"m..

playing it up!

for him, i"m playing it up

i"m living it up

dancing on the tables, as the dj"s

spinning it up, for me

spinning it up, for me!

when the sun goes down, and the care ends up

it"s time for the show-oh oh ohh

plating you to the scene,

make fake for the queen

i"m on a role oh oh ohh

staring my direction

craving your attention

so now go back to the beat,

get up on your feet

gonna be your super lover!

right back to the beat,

get up on your feet

imma be your super lover

oh oh your super lover

oh oh your super lover


 河源有哪些特产 广东河源特产

10、龙川鱼干龙川鱼干产于无污染的广东龙川美丽的青山湖(枫树坝水库),味道鲜美,男女老少咸宜,喻为东江美食,是佐酒的美味的绿色食品。 食用方法:用清水浸泡5-1...(展开)


