【歌词】Prove My Love / 歌手:Travis Greene


Tell me, tell me how you knew about my heart

You see, see the things that no one else could see

I thought, I was doing fine until you turn my life around

With everything you"d find

Deep inside I thought that I had died

(You make me believe) When I thought that love was gone, all gone

(You make me believe) And you prove that love was strong, so strong

(You make me believe) "Cause you touch inside of me

Something I would never have believed


Until you conquered me

You say, you can see our future

In my eyes

You say, you can break the chain that always ties me there

Teach me how to fly again

You make my life complete

The love you give to me

Deep inside I know that this is right

"Cause you make me believe

When I thought that love was gone, all gone

(You make me believe) And you prove that love was stron



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