【歌词】Mr. Man / 歌手:My Excellence

Would you like to hear a story

Of faith and love and glory

Where we are condemned to death

It s heroes are all wannabes

They build up their own monarchies

To show off how great they are

Man, don t you see your life s pitiful to me

While people die you have no time for their misery

Mr. Man

Wished he had it all

Won t see the crash before the fall

Mr. Man

Wished he knew it all

Wants to see the view behind the wall

So now you ve heard my story

It s cruel and we re still lonely

A change would do us good

Man, don t you see your life s pitiful to me

While people die you have no time for their misery

Mr. Man

Wished he had it all

Won t see the crash before the fall

Mr. Man

Wished he knew it all

Wants to see the view behind the wall

Gotta stay, cause I can t turn away

Gotta stay, cause I can t go away

Mr. Man



新京报讯 据四川省气象服务中心官方微博消息,截止到今日(24日)15时,四川高温再次刷新纪录。14:58分达州渠县达到43.9℃,打破了四川省国家气象站的最高纪...(展开)


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