【歌词】Remember The Name / 歌手:Fort Minor

You ready? Let‘s go!

Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we‘re all about

It‘s like this y‘all (c‘mon!)

This is ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


He doesn‘t need his name up in lights

He just wants to be heard whether it‘s the beat or the mic

He feels so unlike everybody else, alone

In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him

But fuck em‘

He knows the code

It‘s not about the salary

It‘s all about reality and makin‘ some noise

Makin‘ the story

Makin‘ sure his clique stays up

That means when he puts it dow



一场大战之后。一切归于平静,黑暗,灰飞烟灭。那山上,樱花正开得凄美。木房 中挤满了既喜又悲的人群。龙娃静静坐在床沿上。不语。“凤娃。为什么不睁开眼睛看看我和妈妈...(展开)