【歌词】Days Gone By / 歌手:Slaughter

Van Morrison - Behind The Ritua

活在当下 制作

Drinking wine in the alley, drinking wine in the alley

Making time, drinking that wine

Out of my mind in the days gone by

Making time with Sally, drinking that wine

In the days gone by, talking all out of my mind

Drinking that wine, talking all out of my mind

Spin and turning in the alley, spin and turning in the alley

Like a Whirling Dervish in the alley, drinking that wine

Drinking wine, making time in the days gone by

Boogie woogie child in the alley

Drinking that wine, making time, talking all out of my mind

Drinking wine in the days gone by, behind the ritual

Behind the ritual, behind the ritual

In the days gone by, drinking that wine

Making time, drinking that wine way back in time

Spin and turn and rhyme in the alley

Spin and turning, making up rhymes, talking all



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