【歌词】king of birds / 歌手:R.E.M.

Robbie Williams - King Of Bloke And Bird

What you do speaks so loud

I cant hear what you say

Except for the occassional word

So fates a sentimental side

It bothers me

No longer king of bloke and bird

All of my life

Searching hard

Down in the wilds

Of love

Summon me now

Summon my life away

Summon me onto another day

A hand through the clouds

Keeps knocking me down

It"s no less than I deserve

They built museums

I dont visit them

I"ve made enough trouble of my own

Into the night

Searching hard

Look for the light

Of love

Summon me now

Summon my life away

Summon me on to another day

Summon the evening winter waves of falling down again

I sing from the chaos in my heart

My heart

Then comes the evening

That makes life worth living

Shoving the shoes out in the lig





 常见的 30 个社会潜规则

这个世界并不仅仅是靠明面上的规则,比如法律、道德所维系的,更多的是靠一些「潜规则」所维系。这里说的潜规则,不是指演艺圈那种潜规则, 而是在现实生活中,人与人都约...(展开)