【歌词】Pretty Flowers 轻快民谣 / 歌手:Steve Martin

If I gave you pretty flowers

If I took you out to dinner

If we walked on by the river

would you invite me in

If I sat down on the sofa

If I told you funny stories

If I moved a little closed

Would you put your hand in mine

If I told you, you were lovely

If I put my arm around you

If I touched you on the shoulder

Would you rest your head on mine

If I took you out to dinner

If I moved a little closer

And I touched you on the shoulder,

would you make love to me.

Oh my darling, I have loved you

since you took me out to dinner

Since we walked down by the river

Over 30 years ago

When you told me that you loved me

I hadn’t felt so lovely

Since the day I decided that I would marry you

Well I took you out to dinner

And I told you funny stories

And I moved a little closer

And you made love to me


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