聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Best I Ever Had / 歌手:Drake

Ne-Yo - One In A Million

@ 制作

Jet setter

Go getter

Nothing better

Call me Mr. been there done that

Top model chick to your every day hood rat

Less than all but more than a few

But I"ve never met one like you

Been all over the world

Done a little bit of everything

Little bit of everywhere

With a little bit of everyone

All the girls I"ve been with

Things I"ve seen it takes much to impress

But sure enough you go it

makes your soul stand up from all the rest

I can be in love

But I just don"t know

Baby one thing is for certain

Whatever you do it"s working

All the girls don"t matter

In your presence can"t do what you do

There"s a million girls around

but I don"t see no one but you

Girl you"re so one in a million

You are

Baby you"re the best I ever had

Best I



我喜欢一边看书,一边思考。有些名家说的话,堪称经典,一读,就让我拍手叫绝,浮想联翩。这里和大家分享的三段话,是我最喜欢引用的。  作  &n...(展开)



一、醉驾初犯无事故可以不拘留吗?醉驾初犯无事故可以不拘留,但需要有合法的拘留理由,若出现了以下的情形,可以认定有拘留的必要:《刑事诉讼法》第七十一条 对违反取保...(展开)


