【歌词】Hook In Mouth / 歌手:Megadeth[麦格戴斯/大屠杀]

PoisonBlack - Human-Compost

卜超 制作

I"m surrounded by sub-entity

I knew it would happen

Figure in black would take me into the shades

Six-feet under and it"s hard to breathe

I knew it would end here

Sheep in wolf"s clothing entombed in waste

Today I wish I"d have a gun

Gasping for air I"m rotting all alone

Just how I wanted

With Karma"s blades carving my flesh to bone

I am reaping everything I"ve sown

The filth I have planted

And digging south towards the great unknown

Oh yes I wish I"d have a gun

Been playing the bitter game with leeches

sucking blood out from my veins

With hook in mouth I"ve gone astray

Been shovelling shit in vain;

From grave to grave burying myself

Just one last death before I go to hell

Here I lie my shovel next to me

Still squeezing the handle

There are many l


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