聚热点 juredian

【歌词】On the Way / 歌手:The shore

On The Way To School

What a lot of things to see,

On the way to school!

Chipmunks running up a tree,

On the way to school.

Sparrows busy building nests,

Robins smoothing down their vests,

What a lot of things to see,

On the way to school!

What a lot of things to hear,

On the way to school!

Someone whistling loud and clear,

On the way to school.

Workmens" hammers go bang, bang!

Fire engine goes clang, clang!

What a lot of things to hear,

On the way to school!

What a lot of things to do,

On the way to school!

Act like monkies at the zoo,

On the way to school!

Jump in puddles, climb a tree,

Cross the street so carefully,

What a lot of things to do,

On the way to school!


 【歌词】痴心的废墟 / 歌手:谭...






 【歌词】起来2008 / 歌手:...

四分卫 - 起来2008▓带你心飞海浪在退潮之前 将我消失在泡沫里面我承受这份孤单 留下脚印在沙滩远方灯火通明 让海和天一样黑微风吹动风帆 失去引力向前追忽然间...(展开)