【歌词】Burning Sky / 歌手:Porcupine Tree

Elvis Presley - Burning Love

(words & music by Linde)

Lord Almighty,

I feel my temperature rising

Higher higher

It"s burning through to my soul

Girl, girl, girl

You gonna set me on fire

My brain is flaming

I don"t know which way to go

Your kisses lift me higher

Like the sweet song of a choir

You light my morning sky

Burning love

Ooh, ooh, ooh,

I feel my temperature rising

Help me, I"m flaming

I must be a hundred and nine

Burning, burning, burning

And nothing can cool me

I just might turn into smoke

But I feel fine

"Cause your kisses lift me higher

Like a sweet song of a choir

And you light my morning sky

Burning love

It"s coming closer

The flames are reaching my body

Won"t you help me

I feel like I"m slipping away






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