聚热点 juredian

【歌词】What Its Like To Be / 歌手:Britney Spears

I used to be a girlfriend

and I know I did it well

Oh yes you know its true

You‘d call me Cinderella

All you had to do was yell

And I‘d be there for you

Here I am

So try to forgive me

I don‘t believe in fairy tales

Here we are with nothing but honesty

I‘ve had enough

I‘m not gonna stay

I‘m sorry for running away like this

And I‘m sorry, I‘ve already made my wish

Ahaah, But Cinderella is got to go

From time to time

I‘d try to tell just what was on my mind.

You‘d tell me not today.

Come back, do that.

Well, Cinderella ah...

was all you had to say

Here I am

So try to forgive me

I don‘t believe in fairy tales

Here we are with nothing but honesty

I‘ve had enough

I‘m not gonna stay

I‘m sorry for running away like this

And I‘m sorry I‘ve already made my wish

Ahaah, But Cinderella is got to go

I‘m sorry just trying to live my life

Don‘t worry you are going to be a



新年趣事作文500字8篇新年趣事作文500字 篇1盼望着,盼望着,春节的脚步越来越近了,我们又高兴地迎来了新年。按照我们家乡的习俗,过年要贴春联、窗花,穿新衣,...(展开)


