聚热点 juredian

【歌词】My New Life / 歌手:霍乱时期的爱情

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≮晨曦之光 制作

熊汝霖 - Life is new

词: Tony 曲: 熊汝霖


I was feeling so blue

going through the motions

I would write my songs all day

and still not know my way

To the world

I would sing

showing such a full life

In my heart

in my soul

an emptiness was there

I"m feeling so new

He gave me a new song

Guiding all my words to say

the secret is new life

Like a child

full of faith

innocent of all things

Lifted up

turned around

giving Him my all

Once I was lost

a song without a meaning

Now I have life

the old ways now have died

Once I was lost

walking in a darkness

Now I have life

and I am singing in the Light



正 相册 相:1.xiāng。1)互相,如:相像,相识。2.一方对另一方的动作,如: 相劝,相助。3)观看,如:相亲。2. Xiàng。1)外貌,长相。如:相貌...(展开)


