聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Deserter / 歌手:Labyrinth[迷宫乐队]

Lamb Of God - We Die Alone

LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang

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A moment in time worthy only of solitude.

A stranger not meant for another to see.

Are we the abandoned?

Are we the deserter?

Lived in the night so his wickedness way.

The faces light up their screens,

as the wealthy cash in on the war.

The body counts rise, the ratings will soar.

Another deceiver.

The liar, the patriot.

Counting the lies and keeping the score.

The score.

Look at the light based on faith that deserts you.

You are the hunted, the victim, the prey and the fallen.

We die alone.

We die alone.

We die alone.

We die alone.

A lamb in the line has been lead to the slaughter.

Another to join all the ghosts from before.

Join all the ghosts from before.

Another believer, another casualty.






诗意中国 陶渊明:静穆悠远是我的诗,金刚怒目才是我的人~1.mp337:16来自诗词世界提及晋末诗人陶渊明,你会想到什么?隐逸、静穆、自然、平淡、恬静……作为中...(展开)