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【歌词】No Great Pretender / 歌手:Michelle Hotaling

Oh,yes,I"m the great pretender

Pretendeing that I"m doing well

My need is such I pretend too much

I"m lonely but no one can tell

Oh,yes,I"m the great pretender

A drift in a world of my own

I play the game but tonight what a shame

You"ve left me to dream all alone

Too real is this feeling of make believe

Too real when I feel what my heart can"t conceive

Oh,yes,I"m the great pretender

Just laughing at games like a clown

I seem to be what I"m not you see

I"m welded my heart like a crown

Pretending that your"re still around


 【歌词】谁也不能证明爱情 / 歌...

词:陈乐融 曲:陈庆良如果怕太阳不染红那一盏苍茫中等待的灯火我会把爱交给风尽情吹送青春不应该被作弄也许我为爱你设想得太多让我把话交给梦与你相拥如果谁也不能证明爱...(展开)