【歌词】A New Shore / 歌手:Steven Page

Girl I love to watch you

You"re like candy to my eyes

Like a movie that you see you gotta watch just one more time

With that smile you"re wearing

It"s a beautiful disguise

It"s just something you put on to hide the emptiness inside

And you seem so lonely

But you don"t have to anymore

if your a heart without a home

Rebel without a cause

If you feel as though your always stranded on the shore

Like a thief in the night

Let me steal your heart away

baby if for reasons what your lookinfor

I"ll be yours

I"ll be yours

I"ll be a new sensation

one you never had before

I got a feelinif I give you some you"d probably want some


did you know that baby

your the bluebird in my sky

I only wanna make you happy cause I love to see you fly

and if you feel lonely

you don"t have to anymore

if your a heart without a home

Rebel without a cause

If you feel as though your always stranded on the shore

Like a thief in the night

Let me steal y






作者:孜宜麻麻用料扇贝肉 10粒山鸡蛋 6个葱 一小段盐 适量矿泉水 50毫升做法步骤1、扇贝肉洗净备用2、6个山鸡蛋3、鸡蛋打入盘中,葱切片加鸡蛋里。4、加盐...(展开)