【歌词】When I Get Back to Shore / 歌手:Thea Gilmore

Thornley - Man Overboard

活在當下 制作

This whole life under water

isn"t all it"s cracked up to be

Not quite what I wanted

when it get"s a little hard to bleed

There once was a time when

it seemed like a good idea

I"ll keep this in mind the next

time I go overboard

So leave, never believe

that I"d ever leave

You"re making it so damn hard to breathe

Throw the line and throw me the rope

You"re killing the bravest part of me

And I"ll find a home, and I"ll tip this boat

Man overboard, man overboard

I"ve never been so far down

without coming up for air

Remember the time when

you meant the world to me

Yeah, leave

never believe, that I"d ever leave

You"re making it so damn hard to breathe

Throw the line and throw me the rope

You"re killing the bravest part of m


 【歌词】左半边翅膀 - 许飞 /...

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 【歌词】Beautiful So...

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