聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Hits Me Like Lightning / 歌手:Brad Cole

Five For Fighting - Road To Heaven


Sometimes I think about silly things

It"s easy to do if you have the time

Often happens when I"m falling off to sleep

After a second glass of wine

The clock is usually running out

Down by one or could be tied

I"m fading back

Winding up

The championship on the line...


If there was a road to heaven

That"s what came to me today

Would there be Traffic jams with diamond lanes

Potholes filled up with rain

Would there be Tolls still left to pay

If there was a road to heaven

Made of gold or made out of clay

Would the Angels wave me up the hill

Or in my mirror just fade away

I"ve never been the kind a man who hits his knees

Got no answers for big questions

I don"t know...

Maybe tomorrow lightning will hit me on the head

And we can find out if we"re just a joke



【精品】初中日记4篇初中日记 篇1这个星期,爸爸给我买了两条大蚕,六条小蚕, 可爱蚕宝宝。我如获至宝,心里乐开了花。我仔细观察它们:原来,蚕身上分成六七个节肢,...(展开)


 【歌词】時代 / 歌手:夏川りみ

歌词千寻微时代 - 金波词:胡田曲:孟文豪微博微信微电影我们走进了微时代像阳光空气和雨露我们一刻也离不开微时代是好时代千里万里联起来微时代是梦时代它让梦想飞起来...(展开)


