聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Leeches / 歌手:InFlames

Gallows - Leeches

LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang

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Forget yourselves.

You"re all going to burn in hell.

You have no redeeming features.

Cold Blooded.

Love Leeches.

If your hands could talk,

They"d choke themselves to death

Before they were caught

They have seen the horror.

I don"t drink the wine

And I can"t stomach the lies.

A million Hail Mary"s won"t save you now

We"re burning all your churches down.

I don"t drink the wine

And I can"t stomach the lies.

A million Hail Mary"s won"t save you now

We"re burning all your churches down.


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