聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Check In, Check Out / 歌手:Ortega

Check, check, check check... out my melody

Check, check, check check... out my melody

Check, check, check check... out my melody


You think you"re special

You do

I can see it in your eyes

I can see it when you laugh at me

Look down on me

You walk around on me

Just one more fight

About your leadership

And I will straight up

Leave your shit

Cause I"ve had enough of this

And now I"m pissed


This time I"m "a let it all come out

This time I"m "a stand up and shout

I"m "a do things my way

It"s my way

My way, or the highway

This time I"m "a let it all come out

This time I"m "a stand up and shout

I"m "a do things my way

It"s my way

My way, or the highway

Check out, check check... out my melody

Check out, check check... out my melody

Check out, check check... out my melody

Check out, check ch



大家好,这里是【刘一手美食】,关注老刘,每天分享一道好吃又实用的家常菜1、毛鸡蛋又名旺鸡蛋、鸡仔蛋、毛蛋等。福建称鸡蛋胎,江浙一带称旺鸡蛋或喜蛋。2、 今天老刘...(展开)


 【歌词】最爱的宝贝 / 歌手:韩...
