聚热点 juredian

【歌词】欧美.(强推:十 分 强 劲 的 一 首 歌 曲 很 嗨. 非 诚 勿 扰 进 场 曲.) / 歌手:Mondeoo


------ 貌似推过?

Ladies and gentleman

The time is here

The time is now

All over the world


Sant Francisco

Everyone on holiyday

Put your drinks in the air

This time

Jean Roch

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Jean Roch says

Can you Feel it?

Jean Roch says

Can you Feel it?

Jean Roch says

Can you feel it, feel it , feel it

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Yeah!Come on

I can feel my heart, my energy

And I doubt my fire bombs

And men you re just like beach

And everyone about

Understand with his cry, happy end

Featuring a man who comes back flames !

Hand of God, all the power of love

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Can you Feel it?

Everyday I k


 【歌词】私隐线 / 歌手:谢安琪

曲目:私隐线歌手:谢安琪作曲:周博贤填词:周博贤编曲:周博贤监制:周博贤▓众搭客结集在列车舱 一个个对坐有部份 浑沌睡眼空晃晃部份用办法自娱埋藏却永远发现着电话...(展开)