【歌词】So over now / 歌手:日韩其它手机铃声

Britney Spears - Over To You Now

卜超 制作

Do you like this?

This place, that I"m bringin" you to

"Cause I do

Oh my God!

I know this place

It"s still a secret

And I don"t think you"ve ever been

It"s kinda hard, to find the entrance

You need some juice

But you"ll love it once you get there

This special place

It"s in the basement

You have to work your way around

The place is hot

And then it"s pumpin"

So are you ready to go down?

So it"s over to you now

So it"s over to you now, now, yeah

You it"s over to you now

Can"t you see what I"m thinking-king? Yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

If you behave

You might be chosen

Just read the flyer and it tells you how to get there

And when you come

You might be stung yeah

So baby w



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 辛弃疾青玉案 《青玉案元夕》原文

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